<html><center></html>##The Winifred Asprey Lecture Series in Computer Science##

Sponsored by the Department of Computer Science in honor of
Winifred Asprey ‘38 Emeritus Professor of Computer Science

###Atropos: A Sperner Triangle Game###

Kyle Burke
Boston University
Monday, March 2, 4pm
OLB, Computer Science 105
Sperner's Triangle, a classic combinatorics tool, provides the backdrop for a new board game, Atropos, which we present in this talk. We discuss the rules of the game and play once against the audience! Following this, we use computer science to determine whether the game is a “good” game, showing that Atropos is PSPACE-complete for our main evidence.

Google for 'Atropos game' to find a playable applet of the game.

Kyle Burke is a graduate student at Boston University working towards a Ph.D. in boardgames. When not teaching, he creates combinatorial games and analyzes their computational complexity. This, unfortunately, does not leave him enough time to actually play them.